Matthew 2:13 – “…an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.” (NASB)
When the Magi arrived in Jerusalem asking Herod where the King of the Jews was, we read that Herod was ‘troubled’ by this inquiry. We later see that Herod was so paranoid about his power being threatened he had all the boys who were in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old or younger killed (Matt. 2:16). .
If we are honest with ourselves, there are seeds of Herod in all of us. We are troubled by Scripture that gets in the way of our happiness, in the way of our own self-sovereignty. I mean how about the Scripture regarding our sexuality being sacred and something to be brought under Christ’s lordship? How about being subject to others, especially those we disagree with or are married to? How about surrendering control of our money, or how we speak to others? Am I really to forgive and bless my enemies while praying for them? Can anyone who takes Jesus Christ seriously not be troubled in some way when encountering His commands?
Is it possible that you are conveniently putting to death those Scriptures in the Bible that threaten your desires? Do you really trust that Jesus loves you and knows what is best even when it doesn’t align with your will? Are you ready to fully surrender to the one born King of the Jews?
Father in heaven, I come in Jesus’ name wanting to honor you with my life. Let your will be done today. Reveal to me anything that grieves you so that I can repent and be found blameless in your sight. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.