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Finding Favor With God And Man
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Finding Favor With God And Man

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Proverbs 3:3 – “Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.”

We are living in a time where kindness and truth have in large part left our society. Do not let kindness and truth leave you as well, Christian! You have a well of love to draw from that will not run dry. Love makes you kind and kindness makes you likeable, which is something we all want. The truths we all hold dear will not be heard by others without kindness.

In The Love Dare book, we are reminded of three basic ingredients to kindness. Kind people take initiative; kind people are gentle; and kind people are willing to help.

Are you asking Jesus everyday to help you see the needs around you so you can take initiative in meeting them? Are you taking initiative to greet people and working to be reconciled to people?

Do you have a gentleness that is apparent to others, or do people find sarcastic rude quips every time you’re disappointed or hurt?

Are you helpful? When you enter a situation, are you being cognizant of others moods and needs or only thinking of your own desires?

If you want to find favor with God and people, you cannot let this world steal your kindness and the truth of God’s Word in your daily endeavors.


Heavenly Father, I come in Jesus’ name and thank you for your kindness and your truth. Help me to walk in the truth by reflecting your kindness to those around me today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.