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Visit the Hilltop Church Library

Located on the third floor Atrium Balcony

Our goal is to provide resources designed to enhance the study of God’s Word; stimulate Christian growth; promote missions; and provide personal encouragement and enjoyment for church members of all ages.

We are committed to providing a wide range of materials to help you grow in your walk with Christ. Please visit our library and check out any book at no charge to you.

Collections Available

Bible Stories

Bible Studies


Help for Christian Living

Christian Fiction


DVDs & DVD Studies

Large Print Books

Christian Magazines

To borrow an item:
  • Adults and teens must complete a registration form the first time you use the Atrium Library. Leave it under the check out clip board. Children 12 and under should be listed on a parent’s registration.
  • Find the bar code label First Church of the Nazarene.
  • Complete the check out form. An adult is responsible for a child completing the form correctly.
  • Take a due date reminder.


Return items:
  • To the front desk in the 3rd floor Atrium Library.
  • To the basket on the Cafe cart.
  • A registered adult is responsible for returning a child’s book.