Philippians 3:12 – ‘Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect but I press on…’
Have you ever noticed that those in high school and college cross country, never run alone? It is a proven fact that there is an empowerment that comes when we are surrounded by others pushing themselves. Cross country runners know they will always run farther with others then they ever would on their own.
When the Holy Spirit comes into the life of a believer, He compels them to press into becoming more righteous and loving in all their ways. The Holy Spirit sets a unique pace for each person, understanding what they can and cannot handle. If we will continually press into obedience to the Holy Spirit, and surround ourselves with other believers, we can make great strides in our Christlikeness.
There will never be a time where we reach the fullness of Christ in this life, however, there is never a season we should not be pressing into becoming more of what He is calling us to be.
Heavenly father, thank you for the Holy Spirit that is at work to make me more like Christ. Thank you for your perfect pace, not letting me get too comfortable where I stop growing. Help me to be someone that encourages others to continue to press into more of you as well. Amen.