Sharing the good news should start with prayer.
1 Samuel 8:4–9; Romans 12:9–18; Colossians 1:9
- If one person you look up to was s going to put you on their “close friend’s list,” who would it be?
- Who are the people that know you best? How have they gotten to know you so well?
- Have you ever felt misunderstood? How did it impact you, and what do you wish happened differently?
- Have you had an experience where you thought you knew what was best for someone, but turned out to be wrong? What happened?
- What is something in Samuel’s story that stood out to you?
- What are the things that can help you remember to ask for God’s perspective when you fixate on one point of view?
- What are three steps that would be helpful for you to let go of your “main character” energy?
- Who is one person that you like to share the good news with that you would like to pray for this week?
- Read Colossians 1:9. What is one thing Paul is praying for that you want to keep in mind for your friends and family when you pray?
- What is one thing you could do this week to help remind you to be praying for people you would like to share the good news with?