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Welcome to Hilltop Church

We are so glad you’re here! Come as you are and wear what you would like. Hilltop Church is a friendly community for you to ask questions, get connected, and do good.

Who We Are

As a church, our mission is simple. We exist to equip and energize people to know, show, and share Jesus to our neighborhoods, networks, and beyond.

What To Expect

A friendly welcome, coffee, great music, and biblical teaching. Come as you are and wear what you would like.

Kids & Students Love It

We’ve got awesome music, lots of fun, and caring volunteers who work together to make it the best experience!


Husbands & Wives: To Honor Each Other

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and we’re diving into one of life’s greatest mysteries: How in the world are men and women supposed to understand each other?!

Men, how do you figure out women? (Yeah… good luck.)
Ladies, how do you make sense of men? (Spoiler: It’s possible… maybe.)

But here’s the thing—the Bible actually gives us some clear, practical, and yes, even aggressive wisdom on how this is supposed to work. Whether you’re married, engaged, dating, or just wondering how relationships are supposed to function, this Sunday is for you!

Know a young couple, newlyweds, or someone in need of a little relationship clarity Invite them! Let’s break it down this Sunday before Valentine’s Day and see what God’s Word has to say about making sense of love, marriage, and everything in between. See you Sunday! 10:30 AM in person or online at Hilltop Church!

What’s Happening

Tuesday mornings at 9:25 am or Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm beginning Tuesday, March 4

Wednesdays | March 5 – April 9 |

6 – 7:45 pm

Hilltop Community

No matter who you are or where you’ve come from, there are many opportunities all throughout the week where you can be part of the family. There’s a place for everyone!

HilltopNaz App

Connect and engage with our community through the Hilltop Church app!  Download our app for quick access to sermons, stay up-to-date on events, give a donation conveniently, submit prayer requests or learn more about us.